Acid rain is an outcome of air pollution which was first discovered in 1581. Acid rain formation is due to the atmospheric discharge of sulfur and nitrogen oxides which are mainly the outcome of burning the fossil fuels. Acid rain can cause environmental disruptions like; damaging the forests, lakes, groundwater, and soils. The damage caused by acid rain depends on the level of acid deposition and the natural sensitivity of soils and water bodies. There are set of solutions suggested which some ...
It can have harmful effects on plants, aquatic animals and infrastructure. Acid rain is caused by emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide, which react with the water molecules in the atmosphere to produce acids.
Acid rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Effects of Acid Rain | Acid Rain | US EPA - US Environmental ...
https://www.epa.gov/acidrain/effects-acid-rainCached31 Mar 2016 ... The ecological effects of acid rain are most clearly seen in aquatic environments, such as streams, lakes, and marshes where it can be harmful to fish and other wildlife. As it flows through the soil, acidic rain water can leach aluminum from soil clay particles and then flow into streams and lakes.
Acid Rain | US EPA - US Environmental Protection Agency
https://www.epa.gov/acidrainCached18 May 2016 ... Information about causes and effects, how acid rain is measured, and what is
being done to solve the problem. Includes activities for students.
What is Acid Rain? - Effects of Acid Rain - Acid Rain Students SiteAcid Rain Students Site: Why is acid rain harmful?
https://www3.epa.gov/acidrain/education/site.../whyharmful.htmlCachedAcid Rain Can Cause Health Problems in People Air pollution like sulfur dioxide
and nitrogen oxides can cause respiratory diseases, or can make these ...
Acid Rain - National Geographic
SimilarWhen humans burn fossil fuels, sulfur dioxide (SO2) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) are released into the atmosphere. These chemical gases react with water, oxygen, and other substances to form mild solutions of sulfuric and nitric acid.
Acid rain - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
SimilarAcid rain is a rain or any other form of precipitation that is unusually acidic,
meaning that it ... atmosphere such as lightning. Acid deposition as an
environmental issue (discussed later in the article) would include additional acids
to H2CO3.
Acid Rain Program - Harvard Bixi - Acid rain (disambiguation)Sources and Environmental Impacts of Acid Rain and Acid Deposition
SimilarSources and impacts of acid rain, and the programs and strategies aimed at ...
sulfate formation; acidic particles that can cause respiratory problems in humans.
Causes, Effects and Solutions of Acid Rain - Conserve Energy Future
SimilarCauses, effects and solutions of acid rain: Acid rain refers to a mixture of
deposited ... processes within the environment also generate the acid rain
forming gases. ... rain because acid rain water is too dilute to cause serious
health problems.
Acid Rain - National Atmospheric Deposition Program
SimilarFor this reason, acid rain is considered a global problem. What are its Effects?
Acid rain has been linked to detrimental effects in the environment and in human
The Effects of Acid Rain on the Environment - The Water Page
SimilarAcid rain primarily affects the United States, Europe, and China. Acid rain directly
affects the ... The damage to the forest trees and plants is widespread. Acid rain ...
Acid Rain: A Serious Regional Environmental Problem | Science
science.sciencemag.org/content/184/4142/1176SimilarAbstract. At present, acid rain or snow is falling on most of the northeastern
United States. The annual acidity value averages about pH 4, but values
between pH ...
دوشنبه 12 مهر 1395 ساعت 17:28