The results of the seismic tests on several reinforced-concrete shear walls and a four-storey frame are analysed in this paper. Each specimen was submitted to the action of a horizontal accelerogram, with successive growing amplitudes, using the pseudodynamic method. An analysis of the results allows knowing the evolution of the eigen frequency and damping ratio during the earthquakes thanks to an identification method working in the time domain. The method is formulated as a spatial model in ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
This paper presents the application of a novel vibration-based technique for detecting fatiguecracks in structures. The method utilizes the empirical mode decomposition method (EMD) toestablish an effective energy-based damage index. To investigate the feasibility of the method,fatigue cracks of different sizes were introduced in an aluminum beam subjected to a cyclic loadunder a three-point bending configuration. The vibration signals corresponding to the healthyand the damaged states of the ...
In recent years, much research and development has been carried out on the use of vibration characteristics to detect structural damage in various types of structures. Being a type of the widely developed methods, the vibrations based damage detection methods, in particular modal based methods, are found to be promising in assessing the ldquo;health rdquo; condition of a structure in terms of locating and quantifying damage. However, despite of advances in vibration based damage detection ...
Advanced Analysis and Design for Fire Safety of Steel Structures systematically presents the latest findings on behaviours of steel structural components in a fire, such as the catenary actions of restrained steel beams, the design methods for restrained steel columns, and the membrane actions of concrete floor slabs with steel decks. Using a systematic description of structural fire safety engineering principles, the authors illustrate the important difference between behaviours of an isolated ...
Seismic Analysis of Structures Copyright copy; 2010 John Wiley amp; Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd Author(s): T. K. Datta While numerous books have been written on earthquakes, earthquake resistance design, and seismic analysis and design of structures, none have been tailored for advanced students and practitioners, and those who would like to have most of the important aspects of seismic analysis in one place. With this book, readers will gain proficiencies in the following: ...