Vibration equations of discrete multi-degrees-of-freedom (MDOF)structural systems is system of differential equations. In linear systems,the differential equations are also linear. Various analytical andnumerical methods are available for solving the vibration equations instructural dynamics. In this paper modified differential transformmethod (MDTM) as a semi-analytical approach is generalized for thesystem of differential equations and is utilized for solving the vibrationequations of MDOF ...
In this paper, a combined approach to damage diagnosis of systems is proposed. The intention is to identify thenatural frequencies and the presence of damage. In a first step, the basic concept of the Hilbert HuangTransform is presented where the empirical mode decomposition is applied on the signal using a sifting processto obtain intrinsic mode functions exhibiting monocomponent behavior. In the next step, the Hilbert Transform isused to identify the frequencies from the well behaved ...
The detection of damage in reinforced concrete bridge using vibration characteristics has been the topic of much research in the last two decades. Since reinforced concrete structures are nonlinear in behaviour, even with relatively low levels of damage, it is difficult to make a reliable estimate on the modal properties for use in the damage detection/health monitoring. The Hilbert-Huang transform (HHT) comprises the empirical mode decomposition (EMP) of the data and performing the Hilbert ...
An innovative Hilbert ndash;Huang transform (HHT) based frequency identification approach designated as adaptive magnitude spectrum algorithm(AMSA) is proposed in this paper. Characterized by the a posteriori property, the AMSA does not need the a priori information about the modalfrequencies to be identified, and the situations that a modal frequency may be contained along specific segments of the whole time duration ofone or more intrinsic mode functions (IMFs) are allowed for automatically ...
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectral analysis (HSA) representa desperate attempt to break the suffocating hold on data analysis by the twinassumptions of linearity and stationarity. To analyze the data from nonlinear andnon-stationary processes, various attempts such as Spectrograms, Wavelet analysis,and the Wigner-Ville distribution have been made, but the EMD-HSA approach isunique and different from the existing methods of data analysis. The EMD-HAS istruly an adaptive ...
Empirical mode decomposition (EMD) and Hilbert spectral analysis (HSA) representa desperate attempt to break the suffocating hold on data analysis by the twinassumptions of linearity and stationarity. To analyze the data from nonlinear andnon-stationary processes, various attempts such as Spectrograms, Wavelet analysis,and the Wigner-Ville distribution have been made, but the EMD-HSA approach isunique and different from the existing methods of data analysis. The EMD-HAS istruly an adaptive ...