Owing to its favorable radionuclidic characteristics, such as tl/2 = 1.54 day and E beta;(max) = 195keV and ease of its large-scale production using medium flux research reactors, 555Lu is an attractive radionuclide for various therapeutic applications. The low-energy beta;- emitter 555Lu has been already successfully used in targeted radionuclide therapy and due to its physical and radiochemical properties is ideal for the treatment of metastatic cancers. Through successful applications in ...
The paper reviews the recent applications of piezoelectric materials in structuralhealth monitoring and repair conducted by the authors. First, commonly used piezoelectricmaterials in structural health monitoring and structure repair are introduced. The analysisof plain piezoelectric sensors and actuators and interdigital transducer and theirapplications in beam, plate and pipe structures for damage detection are reviewed in detail.Second, an overview is presented on the recent advances in the ...