Soil salinity is a measure of the total amount of soluble salt in soil. Assalinity levels increase, plants extract water less easily from soil,aggravating water stress conditions. This study was carried out todetermine salinity threshold value and slope of the yield decrement forwheat. In this research SWAP model was study for an arid regionlocated in central part of Iran including 94 villages belonged toirrigation network of Garmsar district. The data collected from theabove 94 villages for ...
ABSTRACTSeed priming is a pre-sowing strategy for improving seed performance during germination andfield performance. During priming seeds are partially hydrated so that pre-germination activitiesproceed but radical protrusion will be prevented. Thus, when seeds are sown in the field, they cangerminate and emerge sooner. Drought and salinity are two main factors limiting crops growth anddevelopment worldwide. In this paper the potential effects of priming for improving seedperformance under ...