An objective of the structural health monitoring system is to identify the state of the structure and to detect its damagesafter a major event, such as the earthquake, to ensure the reliability and safety of structures. Innovative analysistechniques for the damage detection of structures have been extensively studied recently. However, practical andeffective damage identification techniques remain to be developed for nonlinear structures, in particular nonlinearhysteretic reinforced concrete ...
A new indicator is proposed to facilitate the detection of newly induced damage in reinforced concrete(RC) beams, based on the transient characteristics of nonlinear vibration. Two full-scale RC beams,one reinforced with externally bonded fiber-reinforced-polymer sheets, are tested to develop theproposed damage indicator. Both beams are statically and dynamically loaded to correlate thedynamic characteristics of the beams to the damage level. A phenomenological model is developedto simulate the ...
1Civil Engineering Department, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia2Mechanical Engineering Department, University of Malaya, 50603 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia3Mechanical Engineering Department, Universiti Malaysia Pahang, Kuantan, Malaysia ...
A wireless sensing system is designed for application to structural monitoring and damagedetection applications. Embedded in the wireless monitoring module is a two-tier predictionmodel, the auto-regressive (AR) and the autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX),used to obtain damage sensitive features of a structure. To validate the performance of theproposed wireless monitoring and damage detection system, two near full scale single-storyRC-frames, with and without brick wall system, ...
Abstract. A wireless sensing system is designed for application to structural monitoring and damagedetection applications. Embedded in the wireless monitoring module is a two-tier prediction model, the autoregressive(AR) and the autoregressive model with exogenous inputs (ARX), used to obtain damage sensitivefeatures of a structure. To validate the performance of the proposed wireless monitoring and damage detectionsystem, two near full scale single-story RC-frames, with and without brick wall ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
As a part of vital infrastructure and transportation networks, bridge structures must function safely at alltimes. However, due to heavier and faster moving vehicular loads and function adjustment, such asBusway accommodation, many bridges are now operating at an overload beyond their design capacity.Additionally, the huge renovation and replacement costs always make the infrastructure ownersdifficult to undertake. Structural health monitoring (SHM) is set to assess condition and ...
This paper presents the application of a novel vibration-based technique for detecting fatiguecracks in structures. The method utilizes the empirical mode decomposition method (EMD) toestablish an effective energy-based damage index. To investigate the feasibility of the method,fatigue cracks of different sizes were introduced in an aluminum beam subjected to a cyclic loadunder a three-point bending configuration. The vibration signals corresponding to the healthyand the damaged states of the ...
Data from vibration measurements opens a way to damage assessment by correlatingchanges in system dynamic parameters with damage indicators. Most methods proposed in theliterature are based on the measurement of natural frequencies or modal shapes and modelling damageas local reduction in structural stiffness. In some particular applications these methods, however, haveseveral practical limitations on account of their low sensitivity to damage. This paper shows thatdamping can be used as a ...